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NewsFeed - D&G's Racist Advert?
NewsFeed – Racism in beauty vlogging
Dolce & Gabbana says 'hacking' to blame for racist social media tirade
NewsFeed: Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet gets her show cancelled
Protesters gather outside D&G store over photo ban for Hong Kong nationals
Dolce and Gabbana Chinese Racism scandal Reaction | 深剖杜嘉班納D&G+辱華的N宗罪,創始人道歉還在偷瞄稿子被抓包?
NewsFeed – eSports: The New Olympic Gamers
Newsfeed - What's changed in US racial politics
Newsfeed - 6 August 2018
Liam Neeson movie's event cancelled amid racism row
NewsFeed - The Emmys show Netflix is not the king, yet
NewsFeed: EU reaches deal on migrant crisis